Dean's Message

Dr. N. S. Shivalinge Gowda

I am happy to note that the government of Karnataka has sanctioned the starting of Adichunchanagiri College of Agricultural Sciences at Mayasandra campus under Adichunchanagiri Shikshana Trust (R.) with the Devine blessings of Jagadguru Sri Sri Sri Dr. Balagangadharanatha Maha Swamiji and Sri Sri Sri Dr. Nirmalanandanatha Maha Swamiji. The College is Affiliated to University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore. To begin with the college is permitted to admit 60 students from the academic year 2024-25. The campus is having a good infrastructure with vast area of land and well-built buildings for lecture hall, laboratories and other requirements. It is planned to recruit well qualified teaching faculties and impart very good education to students with competent skills. It is aimed to make the Adichunchanagiri College of Agricultural Sciences as one of the best educational institutions in agriculture in the country. The students trained here will be provided with total personality development skills and competent to achieve excellence in their future endeavor.

Dr. N. S. Shivalinge Gowda, M. Sc. (Agri.)Ph. D., LLB, Dean (Agri.) Adichunchanagiri College of Agricultural Sciences. Mayasandra T.B., Turuvekere Taluk. Tumakuru District, Karnataka – 572221.

Mobile: 9880036275, Email: deanagriacas@gmail.com


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